Sunday, March 8, 2009

Cash Challenge

Ok, I know you probably are going to want to blow off this challenge, but trust me, this will be eye opening and life changing so just try it, o.k.?

Use cash only to pay for certain expenditures. Why cash? You will spend less than if you paid with debit/credit cards, 18% less. Science says that when we spend cash it registers in our brain as pain. You visually see the money dwindling as you spend it and it keeps you on your target spending plan because once the money is gone you can't keep spending.

You'll also become a more conscious spender. You'll begin to consider whether or not each purchase is worth it rather than blindly using your debit/credit cards and waiting (sometimes until the bill comes) to consider if it was worth it. Cash makes you more aware of that decision before you buy. This will also show you where you tend to overspend as well so you can choose to alter your budget or change your spending habits.

How to:
Choose one or more categories: lunch, groceries, entertainment, gas (some places give a cheaper cash price. bonus!), non-food items (cleaners, toiletries, paper goods). Decide on an amount you think you should spend in a pay period on each category. Take out cash to last for one pay period and place it in separate envelopes. Write the category on the envelope. Once that envelope is empty you must wait to refill until the next pay period.
If you enjoy the benefits of using cash, you can purchase a coupon organizer and use that for your envelopes or create tabbed dividers and place in your wallet.
For more information on using the cash envelope method, click here.


  1. This works, people! We don't use separate envelopes, but a cash method DEFINITELY makes you aware of how much money you have available.

  2. This does work! It makes you more aware of where your money is going IF you are strict about not "refilling" early. The concept of "doing without" until the next payday is hard, but it's worth it. This is a real budget saver! We've used this for years.
